All posts by Ken

Tenson Mangwinyana

April 8th, Wednesday Bible Class: Preventing Divorce Before Marriage


April 12th, Sunday Bible Class: Aquila and Priscilla:  An Example to Emulate
 April 12th, Sunday AM:  Reasons Why the Bible Is From God
 April 12th, Sunday PM:  How to Know When a Marriage Is In Trouble

The New Testament Church Series

Part 1 – The Importance of Studying the Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 2 – What Is The Church?

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 3 – The Universal vs Local Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 4 – Portraits of the Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 5 – The Establishment of the Church (Parts 1 & 2)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 6 – The Foundation of the Church (Parts 1 & 2)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 7 – The Purpose of the Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 8 – The Worship of the Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 9 – Discipline of the Church

**sorry no audio**

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 10 – Organization of the Church

**sorry no audio**

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 11 – Name of the Church

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 12 – Benevolence

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 13 – Patterns

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 14 – What Does It Mean To Be A Member Of The New Testament Church?

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 15 – Unity

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 16 – Church History

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 17 – Denominationalism

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 18 – Who is a Christian?

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint

Part 19 – Does the church of Christ Exist?

Sermon Notes

Sermon Powerpoint


Gospel Meeting March 22-27 with Stacy Crim

Judged According to the Things Written in the Books

Sunday AM – Bible Class Session – The Books That Should Be Written

The Books That Should Be Written Sermon Powerpoint

Sunday AM – Worship – The Importance of Your Faith

The Importance of Your Faith Sermon Powerpoint

Sunday PM – A Living Sacrifice

A Living Sacrifice Sermon Powerpoint

Monday – Be Rich in Good Works

Be Rich in Good Works Sermon Powerpoint

Tuesday – The Courage To Be Different

The Courage To Be Different Sermon Powerpoint

Wednesday – And Be Thankful

And Be Thankful Sermon Powerpoint

Thursday – Righteous Relationships

Righteous Relationships Sermon Powerpoint

Friday – Is Your Name Written in the Book of Life?

Is Your Name Written in the Book of Life Sermon Powerpoint